Enter HireLiving’s random drawing today to receive FREE access to our Career Coaching platform. We will be giving away (1) FREE keycode/password every month to a winner in light of the unemployment impact of COVID-19.
This is life coaching for your career! By the time you’re finished, you’re going to know your top (20) unique positions/titles, natural born skills, preferences to certain job duties plus aversions to mandatory tasks and how to mange them.
The platform is self-automated. Take it at your own pace.
Contact us at any point to update your resume with the needed keyword analytics for ATS tracking at no cost.
What’s included?
- Career Assessment – Discover your top (20) titles based on your core preferences
- Define your aversions to certain tasks, so you can learn to manage them in order to have a more peaceful business career
- Match job descriptions to your motivations
- 30 page report on your assessment results
- Self-Discovery Career Questionnaire
- Proactive Career Search Worksheet (80% of great positions are not online)
- Updated resume with keyword analytics for ATS tracking
- Brag book + 30/60/90 development
- Top (21) Q&A
- Scripts for Success to encourage you in your pursuit
Sign up for our straight forward self-paced career coaching platform
Enter your email here. Reply YES in the Subject.
We will contact the winner on Wednesday, June 10th!
Please forward this email to everyone who needs employment support!
Unemployment Numbers
Even though the number of new unemployment benefit claims were 1.88M last week. They have been declining for (9) weeks straight.
Stay Healthy + Blessed!Don’t forget to share this post.
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marketwatch.com, money.com, bizjournals.com, pymnts.com