The good news is the number of U.S. furloughed or laid off workers slowed down this week. Hopefully, this will continue! Unemployment Numbers Unemployment applications rose by 5.25M this week (6.6M last week) which brings the nationwide total to over 21M. Stimulus Check Info If you have not received your Economic Impact Payment (stimulus check) track it here: For Direct Deposits: IRS Get My Payment For USPS Deliveries: USPS Informed Delivery The methods are based on your 2018 and or 2019 tax filing(s) with the IRS. Scams According to LifeLock there are a number of scams criminals are using to take your money. Do not give your information to anyone via phone, email, social media or text in exchange for a deposit, processing fee or a quick advance. Especially if they are calling the payment a “stimulus check”. The correct name is Economic Impact Payment. Free Virtual Career Fairs & AppJobs Nationwide Power to Fly (women) – April 24th AppJobs– on demand, flexible jobs such as WAG, CARE, Fiverr, InstaCart and Uber FlexJobs – check out this week’s hiring employers. Every Friday we will bring you the current unemployment numbers, new loan/grant descriptions, companies who are hiring and free stuff to support you and your family. Stay Healthy + Blessed! Forward this email to everyone who needs it. Sign up for our newsletter at HireLiving! |
Sources: irs.gov, usps.com, lifelock.com, clark.com, marketwatch.com Connect with us |